Piercing Saw Blades for Metal

of high quality and precision, specially hardened and tempered for best cutting performance, with round back, black

GNOM 70, fine regular teeth

Excellent saw blade with wavy-set teeth for precisely cutting hard and precious metals. Available in different dimensions and teeth characteristics.


mixed 7019..        
8/0 7080.. 0,32 x 0,16 .013 x .006 36 91
7/0 7070.. 0,34 x 0,17 .013 x .007 34 86
6/0 7060.. 0,36 x 0,18 .014 x .007 30 76
5/0 7050.. 0,40 x 0,20 .016 x .008 28 71
4/0 7040.. 0,44 x 0,22 .017 x .009 26 66
3/0 7030.. 0,48 x 0,24 .019 x .009 24 61
2/0 7020.. 0,52 x 0,26 .020 x .010 26 66
0 7000.. 0,56 x 0,28 .022 x .011 20 50
1 7001.. 0,60 x 0,30 .024 x .012 20 50
2 7002.. 0,70 x 0,34 .028 x .013 18 46
3 7003.. 0,75 x 0,36 .030 x .014 16 40
4 7004.. 0,80 x 0,38 .031 x .015 15 38
5 7005.. 0,85 x 0,40 .033 x .016 14 36
6 7006.. 0,94 x 0,44 .037 x .017 13 33
7 7007.. 1,05 x 0,48 .041 x .019 12 30
9 7009.. 1,20 x 0,55 .047 x .022 10 25
11 7011.. 1,40 x 0,58 .055 x .023 8 20
12 7012.. 1,65 x 0,60 .065 x .024 8 20

Options for Packaging

Blister packaging Art. No.  …86.   In plastic envelope Art. No.  …36.   Gross Art. No. …20.

WERA 75, fine regular teeth

Flexible saw blade with wavy-set teeth for cutting light and soft metals. Available in different dimensions and teeth characteristics.


mixed 7519..
0 7500.. 0,56 x 0,28 .022 x .011 20 50
1 7501.. 0,60 x 0,30 .024 x .012 20 50
2 7502.. 0,70 x 0,34 .028 x .013 18 46
3 7503.. 0,75 x 0,36 .030 x .014 16 40
4 7504.. 0,80 x 0,38 .031 x .015 15 38
5 7505.. 0,85 x 0,40 .033 x .016 14 36
6 7506.. 0,94 x 0,44 .037 x .017 13 33

Options for Packaging

Blister packaging Art. No.  …86.   In plastic envelope Art. No.  …36.   Gross Art. No. …20.

Finis, fine regular teeth

Superior quality jewellers´ and clockmakers´saw blade for extremely precise cutting work on all kinds of metals. Available in different dimensions and teeth characteristics


6/0 E511104 0,36 x 0,18 .014 x .007 30 76
5/0 E511103 0,40 x 0,20 .016 x .008 28 71
4/0 E511102 0,44 x 0,22 .017 x .009 26 66
3/0 E511101 0,48 x 0,24 .019 x .009 24 61
2/0 E511100 0,52 x 0,26 .020 x .010 26 66
0 E511010 0,56 x 0,28 .022 x .011 18 46
1 E511011 0,60 x 0,30 .024 x .012 18 46
2 E511012 0,70 x 0,34 028 x .013 16 41
3 E511013 0,75 x 0,36 .030 x .014 16 41
4 E511014 0,80 x 0,38 .031 x .015 13 33
5 E511015 0,85 x 0,40 .033 x .016 13 33
7 E511016 0,94 x 0,44 .041 x .019 11 28

Options for Packaging

Blister packaging Art. No.  …86.   In plastic envelope Art. No.  …36.   Gross Art. No. …20.